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Major Project - Project Evaluation (DreamChaser)

Project Evaluation In this blog post I will attempt to evaluate my overall experience in working on our 3rd Year Major Project - 'DreamChaser' , a documentary film following course-mate Alex Baldwin as he attempts to realise his dream of becoming a motorsport racing driver. As part of this project I worked with Alex Baldwin & George Nicholls, with additional crew support coming from Alex's friend Jon Simes, his father Nick Baldwin and fellow course-mates Alex Hargood, Katie Joslin, Connor Winfield & Laura Dagga. Pre-production began last September, with production marking the beginning of this unit at the start of the year. With a total of 26 dedicated shoot days, this is by far the largest project any of us have ever undertaken, both inside and outside of the Television Production course, not to mention the surrounding support for the documentary through the publication of it on Alex's YouTube channel has made the entire experience completely unique in ter...

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