Major Project - Interviewing Abbi Pulling at Snetterton Circuit
Visiting Snetterton Circuit & Interviewing Abbi Pulling
Following a meeting with Simon, we wanted to be able to add another contributor to our documentary to round out the early portion of the timeline. Over the course of several weeks George spent time reaching out to potential contributors of a younger age, so that we could get the perspective of someone as young as 16 who's already immersed within the motorsport industry. We eventually heard back from a girl by the name of Abbi Pulling, a 2x Go-Karting champion who'd recently made the jump from karts to traditional GT racing vehicles. We wanted to know what it was like making that transition given that it's incredibly similar to the jump Alex is making going from a history of Go-Karting to being out on a nationally recognised racing circuit in a GT.
We agreed to meet her during a media day at Snetterton Racing Circuit near Norwich. This marks the 4th racing circuit we've visited as a team during the production of 'DreamChaser', with the others being Silverstone, Donington Park and of course Brands Hatch. We left George's house at around 8:00am so that we could be at the circuit just before mid-day. We wouldn't spend long at the circuit as we knew that we wanted to head directly back to the studios so that we could have another feedback session with Beth & Simon in the mid-late afternoon, so time was of the essence. We arrived just before 11 and introduced ourselves to the on-site MSV staff who gave us our media accreditation, before we went off the garage 23 to meet Abbi for the first time. Abbi was on-track at our time of arrival so we immediately got an opportunity to approach the Snetterton pit wall and watch her on the circuit.
We spoke briefly with her father as well and learnt that she shared the same deep-seated passion for Motorsport that Alex has his whole life, which was great to hear. Given that Abbi is only 16 years old, George as producer was sure to get a signature on a consent form from her father to say that he was okay with her taking part in the filming of our documentary. Once we explained to her what it was that we wanted to do during our time there we got to work; the main goal was to film an interview with her split into two different segments: the first would be a walk & talk segment down the Snetterton pitlane, followed by a second sequence sitting down on a bench just opposite the garages themselves. They were filmed separately as Abbi had a session out on track between the two, which gave us a great opportunity to get out track-side and capture footage of her going around the circuit. Considering the time schedule we were on, we did fairly well to get as much track-side footage as we did in the end. The interview segments also went incredibly smoothly, partially because we took the necessary precautions and rigged ourselves up with everything we needed before calling Abbi over, that way we avoided wasting both her time and our own.
The first segment involved Alex R.O.F. (Right of Frame) and Abbi L.O.F. (Left of Frame) as they walked towards me filming a T.S. (Two-Shot) on the shoulder-mounted Sony AX53. I would walk slowly backwards as they approached me, whilst George stayed behind me to prevent me from tripping over any obstacles I couldn't see. This resulted in a smooth looking interview piece akin to that of the Dan Rowbottom interview we carried out in Accrington back in February. The second segment of the interview took place sitting down as mentioned above, which expanded on the questions and details discussed in the first segment. In terms of shot composition for this sequence, I had the Lumix G7 on a C.U. (Close-Up) of Abbi, myself operating the shoulder-mounted Sony AX53 on a C.U. of Alex and finally the FZ330 also on a tripod, focused on a W.S. (Wide Shot) of them both sitting down at the table/bench - Alex R.O.F., Abbi L.O.F.
As far as audio goes, both Abbi & Alex were outfitted with clip-mics for the two interview sequences, one of which was attached to my iPhone and the other to George's. As discussed previously many times on this blog, this is one of the easiest and most efficient methods of capturing high quality audio that we've discovered during our time producing 'DreamChaser'. Once we had wrapped the second half of the interview, we de-rigged and put everything back in the car, handed our media vests back into the reception and said our farewells to Abbi, wishing her the best in the future.

We agreed to meet her during a media day at Snetterton Racing Circuit near Norwich. This marks the 4th racing circuit we've visited as a team during the production of 'DreamChaser', with the others being Silverstone, Donington Park and of course Brands Hatch. We left George's house at around 8:00am so that we could be at the circuit just before mid-day. We wouldn't spend long at the circuit as we knew that we wanted to head directly back to the studios so that we could have another feedback session with Beth & Simon in the mid-late afternoon, so time was of the essence. We arrived just before 11 and introduced ourselves to the on-site MSV staff who gave us our media accreditation, before we went off the garage 23 to meet Abbi for the first time. Abbi was on-track at our time of arrival so we immediately got an opportunity to approach the Snetterton pit wall and watch her on the circuit.
We spoke briefly with her father as well and learnt that she shared the same deep-seated passion for Motorsport that Alex has his whole life, which was great to hear. Given that Abbi is only 16 years old, George as producer was sure to get a signature on a consent form from her father to say that he was okay with her taking part in the filming of our documentary. Once we explained to her what it was that we wanted to do during our time there we got to work; the main goal was to film an interview with her split into two different segments: the first would be a walk & talk segment down the Snetterton pitlane, followed by a second sequence sitting down on a bench just opposite the garages themselves. They were filmed separately as Abbi had a session out on track between the two, which gave us a great opportunity to get out track-side and capture footage of her going around the circuit. Considering the time schedule we were on, we did fairly well to get as much track-side footage as we did in the end. The interview segments also went incredibly smoothly, partially because we took the necessary precautions and rigged ourselves up with everything we needed before calling Abbi over, that way we avoided wasting both her time and our own.
As far as audio goes, both Abbi & Alex were outfitted with clip-mics for the two interview sequences, one of which was attached to my iPhone and the other to George's. As discussed previously many times on this blog, this is one of the easiest and most efficient methods of capturing high quality audio that we've discovered during our time producing 'DreamChaser'. Once we had wrapped the second half of the interview, we de-rigged and put everything back in the car, handed our media vests back into the reception and said our farewells to Abbi, wishing her the best in the future.
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