Documentary Unit | Pitching the Project

The Pitch 

Today we pitched our idea to both Helen and Zoe who then expressed their general thoughts and criticisms regarding our idea at length. Below I have included screenshots of every slide in our powerpoint presentation used throughout the pitch:

As one can see from above, our idea and vision for the project at this point was outlined from the start. We wanted to create a short documentary piece driving home the facts of what IS achievable body wise, and what IS NOT. In order to do this we would have to interview relevant persons, shoot enough footage to be relevant to the modern media and document to some degree the emphasis that society places on these set body types, whether it be through social media or even mainstream media, there is clearly a 'desirable' look that both males and females strive towards.

One of the main things that came up during the pitch was that we were perhaps trying to accomplish too much for a 10 minute student documentary, and this would be in some respects asking too much of ourselves, putting unnecessary stress on us during the short window for production time that we're given, as well as leaving wide gaps for the potential of disappointment, failures or last minute cancellations. In light of these criticisms, we have decided to slightly adjust the direction in which we're going with this piece, essentially shifting the focus from weight loss and self-confidence as a whole, and focusing more on the clichés of 'Take just two little pills a day and drop 10's of lb's!' etc etc.

Whether or not we decide to fully embrace this cliché and in some respects parody it, or maintain some sense of seriousness, driving home the facts and reality of what's possible with digital manipulation etc, we're not entirely sure, but I do think that post-pitch, we're in a much better place now to start laying down concrete ideas and getting events in motion.
