Documentary Unit | Seeking A Presenter!

Turns out things don't always go to plan! Who knew?! Unfortunately due to stress and other personal issues, former group member Ethan Collins decided to drop out of the course here at The Maidstone Studios. While we of course respect his decision to do so, this does leave us without a presenter, as we had originally planned to have Ethan take part in the documentary as the audience's point of view into these events, not to mention he was going to fulfill the role of 'guinea pig' and test out a variety of different 'fad' techniques to slimming down or at-least looking slimmer. 

Due to this we decided to look into bringing in external talent from CastingCallPro. CastingCallPro is an excellent resource online for finding capable individuals for acting roles matching your specific description. Whether it be a large gentleman of colour or a small vulnerable female, chances are CastingCallPro will be able to find you a match of some kind, while also providing all sorts of resources and contact details should we wish to arrange something with said actors/actresses. 

We decided to come in slightly earlier than our scheduled lecture today and focus on getting a profile submitted to CCP, therefore allowing budding young actors to reach out to us upon seeing our ad and express their interest in the project. As of now we have already received 2 notifications of interest from potential presenters and are looking into contacting them soon. This is great! 

Right now our main focus is nailing down a presenter as they act as cornerstone to the entire documentary, once that is finished we can begin storyboarding and compiling shot lists in order to build a road map from putting pencil to paper and actually presenting our finished piece on May 19th. 
