Critical Writing - Dissertation Introduction /w Clarissa Jacobs
Learning Outcomes of the Unit
- Demonstrate an application of appropriate research methods in the identification and understanding of broad contexts and specific practices.
- Demonstrate abilities of interpretation, reflection, analysis and evaluation.
Dissertation Structure
Sets up and prepares the reader:
- Introduce and explain the main focus and aim/question.
- Clarify areas of research your dissertation (e.g. the focus and aim of each chapter)
- A brief overview of the discussion order of your dissertation chapter by chapter.
Beginning, middle and end:
Chapter 1:
- Definitions of terms used in the question
- Basic theory
- Background information and/or historical ideas of contexts
Chapter 2:
- Utilises and builds on information from Chapter One
- Application of theories, current discussions/context
- Any information and ideas that need to be discussed before the question can be fully answered or the aim fully achieved in the final chapter.
Chapter 3:
- Where the question if fully answered or aim fully realised.
Ends on very last, final response on the discussion:
- Reiterate the aim of your dissertation, reminding the reader of any questions you were intending to answer.
- Highlight your key findings chapter by chapter and how they relate to each-other in light of your aims.
- Discuss your response to your findings and any answers/conclusions drawn to your aims/questions.
The 8000 Word Dissertation
1) An Introduction (10% of word count = 800 words)
2) The Main Body made up of 3 chapters (80% of word count)
- Chapter 1: 2,150 words
- Chapter 2: 2,150 words
- Chapter 3: 2,150 words
- Each chapter will have 12 paragraphs of approx. 180 words, and each paragraph eats as a 'progressive point' that needs to be researched and:
a) listed in a logical order
b) that you have identified the information/evidence you will be analysing for each step of your discussion (with the sources referenced!)
3) Conclusion (10% of word count, 800 words)
Preparing for 1st Tutorial
Work on your plan for:
- Your topic, its intellectual context and how your questions approaches it?
- Create and review your list of research material?
- The key authors and a sentence of the way you wish to use their ideas?
- The moving image sequences you wish to relate to this research?
- Your method(s) of analysis?
- The structure and organisation of your discussion?
- An initial plan for draft Chapter 1?
Preparing for 2nd Tutorial
Week 1 - Read your research material
Week 2 - Read your research material and write up a draft for Chapter 1 (2,150 words = approx. 500 words a day (less than a page) x 7 days)
Week 3 - Finish Chapter One (which will help you to plan for Chapter 2)
Preparing for 3rd Tutorial
Week 1 - Research (and write notes for) Chapter 2
Week 2 - Write up a draft of Chapter 2 (2,150 words) and write up the skeleton introduction (200 words)
Week 3 - Make amendments to Chapter 1
Preparing for Draft Hand-In (27th Nov) - Minimum 6000 words.
Make amendments to draft Chapter 2/research Chapter 3.
Research and write a draft for Chapter 3 (2,150 words) [...and a skeleton conclusion if you wish]
The dissertation draft should consist of a full typed version (it might not be edited or there may be unresolved problems and areas that need further work).
Title Page
This should contain:
- The title of your dissertation
- Your Name
- Course
- Month and year of submission
- First language
- Number of words
Table of Contents
Core Text
List of Illustrations
Appendices (if necessary)
Submission of Dissertation
The dissertation will be submitted for assessment on January 25th 2019, 11:00-12:00 at the studios.
Two legible word processed copies of your dissertation should be submitted to the Staff Office. In addition you will be required to upload your dissertation onto turnitin, and there will be guidance notes on how to do this on myUCA.
You must complete and sign the Assessment Cover sheet and attach this to the copy of the dissertation. This will be available on myUCA.
Failure to submit the dissertation by the given date and time without mitigation will result in a mark of 0%.
- Demonstrate abilities of interpretation, reflection, analysis and evaluation.
Dissertation Structure
Sets up and prepares the reader:
- Introduce and explain the main focus and aim/question.
- Clarify areas of research your dissertation (e.g. the focus and aim of each chapter)
- A brief overview of the discussion order of your dissertation chapter by chapter.
Beginning, middle and end:
Chapter 1:
- Definitions of terms used in the question
- Basic theory
- Background information and/or historical ideas of contexts
Chapter 2:
- Utilises and builds on information from Chapter One
- Application of theories, current discussions/context
- Any information and ideas that need to be discussed before the question can be fully answered or the aim fully achieved in the final chapter.
Chapter 3:
- Where the question if fully answered or aim fully realised.
Ends on very last, final response on the discussion:
- Reiterate the aim of your dissertation, reminding the reader of any questions you were intending to answer.
- Highlight your key findings chapter by chapter and how they relate to each-other in light of your aims.
- Discuss your response to your findings and any answers/conclusions drawn to your aims/questions.
The 8000 Word Dissertation
1) An Introduction (10% of word count = 800 words)
2) The Main Body made up of 3 chapters (80% of word count)
- Chapter 1: 2,150 words
- Chapter 2: 2,150 words
- Chapter 3: 2,150 words
- Each chapter will have 12 paragraphs of approx. 180 words, and each paragraph eats as a 'progressive point' that needs to be researched and:
a) listed in a logical order
b) that you have identified the information/evidence you will be analysing for each step of your discussion (with the sources referenced!)
3) Conclusion (10% of word count, 800 words)
Preparing for 1st Tutorial
Work on your plan for:
- Your topic, its intellectual context and how your questions approaches it?
- Create and review your list of research material?
- The key authors and a sentence of the way you wish to use their ideas?
- The moving image sequences you wish to relate to this research?
- Your method(s) of analysis?
- The structure and organisation of your discussion?
- An initial plan for draft Chapter 1?
Preparing for 2nd Tutorial
Week 1 - Read your research material
Week 2 - Read your research material and write up a draft for Chapter 1 (2,150 words = approx. 500 words a day (less than a page) x 7 days)
Week 3 - Finish Chapter One (which will help you to plan for Chapter 2)
Preparing for 3rd Tutorial
Week 1 - Research (and write notes for) Chapter 2
Week 2 - Write up a draft of Chapter 2 (2,150 words) and write up the skeleton introduction (200 words)
Week 3 - Make amendments to Chapter 1
Preparing for Draft Hand-In (27th Nov) - Minimum 6000 words.
Make amendments to draft Chapter 2/research Chapter 3.
Research and write a draft for Chapter 3 (2,150 words) [...and a skeleton conclusion if you wish]
The dissertation draft should consist of a full typed version (it might not be edited or there may be unresolved problems and areas that need further work).
Title Page
This should contain:
- The title of your dissertation
- Your Name
- Course
- Month and year of submission
- First language
- Number of words
Table of Contents
Core Text
List of Illustrations
Appendices (if necessary)
Submission of Dissertation
The dissertation will be submitted for assessment on January 25th 2019, 11:00-12:00 at the studios.
Two legible word processed copies of your dissertation should be submitted to the Staff Office. In addition you will be required to upload your dissertation onto turnitin, and there will be guidance notes on how to do this on myUCA.
You must complete and sign the Assessment Cover sheet and attach this to the copy of the dissertation. This will be available on myUCA.
Failure to submit the dissertation by the given date and time without mitigation will result in a mark of 0%.
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