Major Project - Current Schedule + Plans for Storyboards

Scheduling & My Current Responsibilities

Me, Alex and George had the opportunity to meet this week and discuss what each of our focuses should be on in terms of the upcoming schedule of events. It was decided that George would focus on reaching out to contributors in an effort to acquire an interviewing opportunity with someone related to motorsport, who has overcome challenges in order to achieve their dreams. Billy Monger (Pictured Left) for example is someone who has received a fair bit of media coverage of late for his achievements as an amputee racing driver. It would be ideal if we could get in touch with him and arrange an interview for the 'DreamChaser' documentary. We recognise however that we shouldn't rely on landing a high-profile contributor, in case they are unavailable or unwilling to participate for whatever reason. Therefore, we have several ideas as to what we're going to include for the interviews segments of our piece - we are also in talks with a representative from a racing team known as 'TeamHard', who may or may not be able to offer us an exclusive experience that we can include in the documentary.

George put together a written schedule with a rough idea of when certain parts of the documentary will be filmed, along with the current location planned for each shoot. At this point a lot of the production is still in the process of being finalised, therefore 60-70% of what is listed in the schedule is TBC, however our current shoot days that are confirmed are as follows:

  • January 21st - Medical Examination at Brand's Hatch Racing Circuit
  • January 26th - National B Motorsporting License Written & Practical Test at Brand's Hatch Racing Circuit
  • January 27th - Go Karting Sequence at Filching Manor + Recce at South Downs Cliffsides
  • March 24th - Reflecting on the past with Alex & his father at Brand's Hatch Racing Circuit
Over the course of the next week or so, my responsibility will be to produce the storyboarding assets for the racing license sequence that takes place on Saturday. This will involve extensive back and forth communication between me and Alex given that I want to maintain his directorial input, he is planning to produce a shot-list for the sequence over the course of the next few days, which I will then use as a framework to build the storyboarding around. I also plan to read through Alex's Director's Statement that he produced before Christmas as part of his own pre-production unit, this will hopefully further increase my insight into Alex's personal vision for the project, allowing me to accurately execute on his idea and adhere to my role of D.O.P. Unfortunately this is the last week prior to our Dissertation Unit hand-in in a couple of weeks, therefore our workloads on the major project will be limited until then, however following the hand-in production is expected to ramp up significantly. 
