Directions Unit | Shoot Prep - Production Dates and Planning

In order to move ahead with production planning it was important for us to figure out what dates each of us were going to be shooting our projects. For example, Laura and Conor could only shoot on specific days due to working commitments, meaning that others would have to lock in their dates around those. Due to my distance from the university itself (Living in Crawley), I felt it would be best to do exactly what I had successfully done for the Storytelling unit. I.e. Bring the equipment home for a weekend and use that time to shoot my sequence. Bringing it back on Monday the 13th of February ready for others in my group to shoot with. The highlighted dates below are the days in which we agreed I should take the camera/sound equipment.

I plan to shoot with a team of my closest friends, with whom I can trust operating the equipment to a satisfactory degree. 
