TV News Unit | Lecture - News Packages Explained

These are self contained news items. 

Unlike VOs/SOTs, the news anchor needs to do no more than introduce the item and then wrap it up at the end. 

The reporter themselves also wraps up the story with their TAG at the end (name, location).

Websites such as BBC News and Sky News have access to detailed analytics, which allows them to directly see what sort of engagement they're getting from their audience. 

An 'Authored Piece' is the term used to describe a story being told by the person/individual affected by the events at hand. It often ensures a more objective reconstruction of events, rather than relying on a presenter and a team of researchers to follow the breadcrumbs themselves. 

Good Rule of Thumb

- "What you shoot should drive what you write, and how you should drive your editing" (Tuggle.C.A., Carr. F, Huffman, 2013, 125)

- Scripting is therefore important - use the script as a template for structuring and guiding your edit. 

- Ensure you fully research what you are trying to shoot so that you are as prepared as possible. 

Structure and Context

A Good package will contain a mix of the following elements: 

- Interviews, vox pops and set ups
- Sequences and Actuality
- GVs/Archives
- PTC's

It is useful to structure your piece as you might a good written piece of work: e.g. Intro, Body of Argument and Conclusion. 


Think of them as you would any other piece of creative work - consider; 

- Style
- Storytelling
- How you will introduce key themes, characters and locations.
- ENGAGE the audience - make them want to know more
- Don't forget to entertain as well as inform - entertainment often makes information more palatable. 

REMINDER - Basic guidelines for making a news package well

- Shoot Action
- Let the Action Happen
- Always Shoot Set Up Sequence for Each Interviewee
- Close Ups Are Best
- Remember to Hold Your Shots
- Allow the Subject to Enter and Leave the Frame
- Get Good Coverage! 

Remember Your Light and Sound

- Take time to check your kit and choose the best conditions you can.
- A few moments spent thinking prior to recording will save a lor of trouble later!
- Do your sound checks.
- Framing and eyelines.


Stages Of The Edit

- The Sync Pull

- Rough Cut

- Fine Cut

Important considerations for your news reports;

Ensure your stories are appropriate to your brand and audience. 

Be clear about WHO you are making your news platform for and begin to research possible stories utilising relevant online resources. 

Ensure you check out other online news outlets to be clear about what is already out there and the sort of approaches they take to putting the channel together online. 

Make our ideas NEW, BRAVE and RELEVANT.

Work as a group and ensure EVERYONE contributes. 
