Commission Piece - Evolving The Report #2

Writing the Bulk of The Report

Today has been dedicated to assembling the core of my report essay. In the past, referencing has been a weak point for me and I wanted to take keen steps to make a difference in that area with this unit, especially given the importance of said referencing come next year when I'm composing my dissertation.

Overall, I'm happy with the way things are going right now, I believe I'm able to make compelling arguments based on anecdotal evidence relevant to my commission piece, while also contextualising quotes from various halls of academia in a way that feels natural and doesn't devalue the quality of the point I'm trying to make. My introduction is short and concise, giving a brief overview of what topics I'm planning to cover in the following essay and how I'm going to cover them. Moving on from that I go on to talk about the club themselves slightly, mainly to provide context for the readers regarding the creative decisions I am making throughout this process - followed by details about the job itself and what sort of techniques I can not only utilise but evolve over the course of this project.

I've tried to reference a wide variety of different types of sources in order to ensure I'm not providing a narrow-minded interpretation of theoretical perspectives, therefore made a point to include several quotes from books despite the majority being sources from online web articles or journal pieces. 

As we progress through the essay, the next step is the commission process itself. Here I discuss in detail what I have accomplished during the filming and editing of this piece but primarily highlighting the things I have learned while doing so. By backing statements like these up with relevant quotes and theory from industry professionals, I can ensure I maintain that crucial academic standard of accurate referencing. As I say at the beginning of the report, I wanted to highlight the importance and enjoyment of freelance work and show how I have applied my existing knowledge to help me through this process.

Finally for the latter section of today's work I was able to detail the importance of narration within my piece and why I value it as a technique in documentarian-style content such as this. Narration and History/Branding are the two main topics I decided to focus on when discussing my creative methodology as I believe those are the two things that influenced my thought process the most while shooting and editing this project. 

As of right now I'd say things are looking positive, despite my panic being this close to the deadline. I'm looking forward to putting the final touches on this essay first thing tomorrow morning! 
