Transition Unit - Evolving & Crafting the Script

Putting Pen to Paper (Or Finger to Key, either one)

As with any documentary, scripting is absolutely key as it helps guide cast and crew through the narrative, dialogue and directions of the piece. Given that it's just myself and Alex working on this project, we're dividing roles as best we can, with myself editing, co-producing and scriptwriting.

I've always had a talent for creative writing, therefore we both agreed that it would be better for me to handle the script while Alex focused on blocking scenes, storyboarding and the like. We laid out our script in the same way that we've laid out previous documentary project scripts, with Visuals/GFX on the left column and Sync/Commentary on the right. The shot type is also listed on the left side in bold as to easily signify the planned shot, attributed to the line of dialogue positioned to the right of it. This not only helps us during the shooting of the documentary, but also when it comes to compiling the final product in the editing suite.

Since the script was featured as a Google Document, both me and Alex could make adjustments should we need to. This was handy for coordination between different segments in both pre-production and post-production, when directing Louis in voiceover work. Naturally, the script evolved over the course of the project, but the bulk of the dialogue has remain unchanged.
