Pre-Production Unit | No Man's Land - A Witcher Series | Greenlight Pitch

Pitching My Idea

Today we had our greenlight pitches for our pre-production ideas, given that I decided to work on a high-concept hypothetical project as opposed to the major project I was pitching this alone. My idea is essentially an adaptation of the popular 'The Witcher' franchise. We were all given 10 minutes presentation time followed by 10 minutes for feedback from the rest of the course as well as Simon directly.

In order to accurately explain my concept for the series I created a 10 page powerpoint presentation which I pitched to the class, these can be viewed below:

The feedback from the class was overwhelmingly positive with many people complimenting the attention to detail when it came to the fleshing out of character storylines, as well as the general vision I had for the series. This was good to hear as it cemented several of my apprehensions towards aspects of the project, for example whether or not I would be able to present it in a way that was compelling and accurately portrayed the kind of series that I have in mind for 'No Man's Land - A Witcher Series'. Simon complemented the depth of the presentation and the thought that's going into the idea which was good to hear, going on to inquire about the camera test I plan to carry out as part of the pre-production package  - At that time I wasn't entirely certain of what a 'camera test' was within the context of a producing role, so clearing that up early on in the process will no doubt benefit me down the line.

In general I'm really satisfied with the way the pitch turned out. I was able to garner a lot of valuable feedback and information that I wasn't yet aware of going into the presentation, while simultaneously presenting something that I felt justified the energy put into it.
