Pre-Production Unit | No Man's Land - A Witcher Series | Designing the Core Concept Art

Putting Together Marketing Material

In order to make the title sequence video and website stand out online, I wanted to create a dedicated piece of promotional material that could be used as the thumbnail for title sequence video, as well as the background for the website itself. I wanted it to reflect the thematic nature of 'No Man's Land - A Witcher Series' while also maintaining the same branding consistency that has been presented in other concept art, presentations and planning documents up to this point.

This image was put together over the course of ~1 hour, using Adobe Photoshop. There are several layers at play. The background itself is taken from the title sequence, thus adding to the relevancy and consistency of the show thematically-speaking. The credits on the background have been removed and replaced with a PNG image of one of our characters, Geralt, in the centre of the screen. The title card of 'No Man's Land - A Witcher Series' in 'Morpheus' font is featured front and centre, accentuated by a bezel & emboss blending mode, as well as a drop shadow. This helps separate the title from the image visually speaking.

Furthermore, I applied several visual effects on top of the image, including a radial blur on the image of Geralt, giving him a general sense of movement - accompanied by a white stroke around the image, further separating it from the background picture. Finally there is a harsh vignette filter laid on top of the entire image, darkening the edges even further and highlighting the subject of the image.

All together, I've found this technique to be rather effective at giving the poster a sense of depth and texture which is something I'm ultimately very satisfied with.
