Pre-Production Unit | No Man's Land - A Witcher Series | Complete Title Sequence

The Finished Product

The opening sequence for 'No Man's Land - A Witcher Series' is now complete, this is by far the most amount time I've invested into a solo project during my time on the course and I've learned a lot of things along the way. Coming off the back of the transition unit at the end of the second year, I found myself craving more After Effects work given that the documentary we did on Facebook involved a lot of things I'd never touched before.

Through working on this project, I have been able to further grow that skillset, as well as evaluate my performance as a Director of Photography, something that is incredibly valuable as we head into the production of our major projects after Christmas. Considering that I am working as part of a group on a project that wasn't my idea for the major piece next year, I really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to flex my creative muscles when it came to the hypothetical pre-production unit.

The sequence can be viewed below, and the complete production package for 'No Man's Land - A Witcher Series' can be found on Wix (http://www, - please enjoy:
