As Live Production - What Is It?

So What is 'As Live'? 

- As lives are recorded programmes with a 'live' feel.
- Usually recorded in a studio location
- Require a full gallery with associated roles in vision mixing/multi camera direction/PA.

Why Choose 'As Live'? 


- Less left to chance a la true live - more controllable - more polished.
- The opportunity to re-record elements of the programme and to make improvements to the intro and closing shots.
- Importantly they do not require the technical paraphernalia of live transmissions - satellite trucks etc - less chance of loss of transmission.
- Therefore cost reduced manpower/technology
- Recording to near duration time ensures the programme can air quickly after recording.


- Trying to 'manufacture' a feeling of a true live programme - lose 'edge'.
- Truly live programmes are less polished and thus feel less manufactured.
- Tension of a live programme hard to re-create.
- Post-production may compound this problem - feel 'manufactured' and 'clinical'.
- Over shooting an easy temptation.
- Audience at home can feel cheated, i.e. Christmas shows being filmed in late November etc.

As Live Formats: 

- Panel Shows
- Quiz Shows
- Chat Shows
- Music Shows
- Entertainment/comedy

Common Themes:

- Audience
- Usually recorded in studio - require full studio floor crew
- Often involve on screen guests/talent + main presenter/anchor
- Often topical/driven by special events or dates
- Often use VT inserts (provides added value to the audience)

Impact of Genre: 

- Genre conventions may dictate the sort of content, style and location you choose for an As Live - consider differences in approaches of Question Time and Graham Norton.
- They can be recorded on location (OUTSIDE BROADCAST/OB) or in a studio.


- Why have an audience? What do they add to them viewing experience? Do we need them?
- The audience can take a number of roles:
  - Passive
  - Participatory/active - actually taking part in some way
  - Appreciative - responding through laughter, clapping etc. 
  - Supportive - there to offer support to a particular contributor
- What role they play depends on the type of format you are producing - value judgements must be made as to their role.

As Live Content: 

- Theoretically, anything can be presented in an as-live format.
- It is only limited by considerations such as:
  - Time
  - Location
  - Budget
  - Logistics


- It is absolutely essential that as lives consider timings - when discussing potential content this is a huge factor. Just like a live programme, as lives are carefully times so that each segment fits a prescribed duration.
- A simple discussion around the viability of an idea in terms of timing could well determine whether it will be included in the programme or not!
- We will look in a future session at scription and the timings in as live filming, at this stage you should simply regard timing as the parameter for your ideas.

Suggested Blog Research - As Live Formats:

- Whilst you watch consider:
  - WHY was As Live chosen? 
  - Impact on final product
  - How convincingly 'live' were the programmes?

Points for Analysis: 

- What themes were common to the As Live content you have viewed in terms of:
  - Content
  - Style
  - Location
  - Presentation
  - Contributors
  - Format
