First Post on the Blog!

So, here goes nothing, time to knuckle down for university and see what I can really accomplish. Currently trying to figure out how to operate Blogger to the best of my ability, perhaps one day I'll understand exactly what I'm doing here, but for now. Let's focus on me:

My name is Cailan Cook, I am 18 years old and live in Crawley, just south of Gatwick. I have adored television itself for almost my entire life, it has always appealed to me how a group of people can portray such strong emotions, and evoke an emotional/physical response from an audience based purely on good shot composition; people such as Vince Gilligan, Edgar Wright and Guillermo Del Toro have all influenced my perception of filmmaking significantly. I was there for the rollercoaster ride that was Breaking Bad, I've ventured across Westeros, experiencing the cold, harsh reality of Game of Thrones, hell... I even travelled across the Atlantic and visited the Alexandria Safe Zone from The Walking Dead TV Series. All of which blew me away from start to finish.

I cannot wait to get started on building my own career, hopefully creating these same kind of moments for others to geek out over!
