Start of the 2nd Year! | Introduction to TV News

Digital News Unit Briefing

Key Skills to take forward: 

- Sourcing stories & storytelling (narrative)
- Sourcing contributors
- Sourcing locations
- Scripting/writing to pictures/'tie writing'
- Interviewing
- Sequencing and Actuality
- SWEFF! (Sound, White Balance, Exposure, Focus & Framing)
- Good coverage (GVs)
- Good Sound (atmos, correct mic, control background noise etc)
- Factual accuracy/fair dealing/impartiality & balance
- Team Work and Communication
- Time management and organisational skills
- Interpret information and finding news angles - disseminating info thereafter

New Skills

- Reporting - On Screen/directing talent
- Fast turn-around (6 weeks to submission including this week) - Get story and access quickly!
- Online platform development/branding/concept
- Studio presentation/news anchoring (green screen possibilities?)
- Sourcing talent - i.e. reporters/presenters outside our course.

Unit Aims

- A1 Promote critical understanding of news and current affairs output.
- A2 facilitate the development of a creative methodology for the production of news and current affairs.
- A3 Further develop technical and collaborative skills for production and post-production of news and current affairs content.
- A4 develop group presentation and pitching skills.

Video Project Brief

- You are challenged to develop your own ORIGINAL online news channel and produce content for that channel.
- Find a brand which will fit a particular audience and provide content for that audience - niche content rather than mixed.
- You will be working in a group of 3 (unless otherwise agreed). You will have group and individual responsibilities, however you will be assessed individually.

What will we have to deliver? 

- Design your own branded digital online news channel via website such as YouTube, Vimeo etc.
- Original title sequence/GFX/branded strapline/stings that fits your own original channel identity.
- Promotional package - a presenter led teaser trailer for your news items.
- 1 News Package per group - 2'00" - 2'30" duration.
- 1 "live" OB report with a reporter on location (recorded as live to the specified duration of 2'00") which may include some pre-shot material.
- Written material on the web page to further support your channel and explain it's remit and purpose.

- All video material from workshops should be uploaded to your online journal.
- Films should be accompanied by supporting written material about your news stories and published on your online news channel (see previous year's work for guidance).
- All work will be subject to consultation with your tutor.

Things to Consider:

- Can the person sustain attention for 2 minutes?
- Piece to Camera?
- Action and reaction, if someone looks at something, we want to see what they're looking at.
- Grammar of film, have people leave the shot if moving to another position.
- MCU (Medium Close Up's) for interviewee.
- Wide shots with foreground focus on something other than interviewer works well for cutting material.
- Include context, details to ensure the audience actually understand the topic going into the piece.
- The audience needs to be hand-held through the entire story.
- Signpost connections, flag them up to the audience concisely.
- Words/Pictures
- What's In It For Me? Hear from the people most affected.
- Show me, don't tell me.
- Leave sound beyond cuts, sound bridging makes it flow much more. Cuts become visible and harsh otherwise.
- Reporter interactivity.
- Emphasise the 'New' in NEWS.

Progress will be checked at tutorials to include: 

- Evidence of all camera bookings
- Scripts and ideas.


26th October; 10:00 - 11:00hr - NEWS CREATIVE PROJECT FINAL SUBMISSION.

- News channel web address to be clearly identified on the submission form with a copy of a screen shot of the channel home page at the time of submission.
- Your two video packages uploaded to course hard drive (see fergus for assistance) - Do not submit a compressed version.
- Screenshot of all work at the time of submission.
