TV News Unit | Location Recon 1 - Vinters Park and Pilgrims Way

Location Scouting

We had some time today before our afternoon lecture with Helen so we decided to go 'reccing' for potential filming locations for gathering b-roll of both the car and the areas around. We wanted something unique to be able to show on film, but also a locale that contrasted the high-tech electric car nicely.

Alex and George on location at Pilgrims Way
Andrew scouted Pilgrims Way online using Google Street View and thought the archway would offer a nice looking architecturally interesting shot against the electric car we plan to use in filming. (Pictured below)

Archway at Pilgrims Way

We thought it would be nice to visit Vinters Park Nature Reserve finally, given it's location adjacent to the Maidstone Studios. The area is nice, however filming opportunities are somewhat limited due to the lack of car access. 
Alex posing at the Vinters Park Nature Reserve
