TV News Unit | Preliminary Timeline of Events

Here we intend to lay out a rough guideline for the order in which we plan to have things during our final news package. This includes both the news package piece and the 'as live' 2 minute interview piece. 

Intro - 15 to 20 seconds - Dungeness Nuclear Power Station ("So much of today's energy is generated by fossil fuel power stations.") 

Opening - 30 seconds of b-roll + narration - b-roll of tech, new cars, electric cars, modern architecture - London (?)

Package on Electric Cars Vs Petrol Cars - 2mins 30 seconds - Short summary of either car's features, advantages, disadvantages. B-roll of Mercedes ForTwo (top gear style?). B-roll of petrol version (hopefully) - This is providing we can also get access to a petrol version of the car. PTC while driving electric car, explaining why cars are being forced to go electric, as well as incentives to do so.

History of Electric Cars (Cont. from PTC in the ForTwo /w overlay) - 20 - 40 seconds TBC - Where did electric cars originate from? The first case of electric cars in the late 19th Century.

Future of Electric Cars (Cont. from PTC in the ForTwo /w overlay) - 20 - 40 seconds TBC - Elon Musk & Tesla, where the industry is going, affordability and new anti-petrol regulations.

Studio Time (?) - 20 seconds - Andrew Introduces the live interview context, throws to Alex on the field. 

The 'Live' Interview - 2 mins - Several questions TBC - Throwback to the studio.

Conclusion - 20 - 40 seconds - Wrap-Up, what makes electric cars better/worse. Where is the industry going?
