TV News Unit | Researching Ideas 1

Brainstorming Potential Ideas

After our project briefing we were given some time to sit down and discuss potential ideas with our group. Initially we're thinking of doing something related to something we each have at least a basic knowledge within.

Our group consists of Me, Alex B, George N and Andrew A. 
Brand's Hatch, Superbike Championship.

Alex's idea started off with wanting to book flights for Frankfurt, Germany in order to cover a motor-sporting event however we quickly realised this wouldn't have worked due to Andrew not possessing a passport. Due to this complication we quickly rerouted to the idea of heading out to Brand's Hatch to cover a motor-sporting event there over the weekend of the 13th-15th Oct.

We discussed potentially interviewing racers or racer's representatives 'as live' before the race and then following it up with a news package based around the results of the race and the advancement/current state of the sport. Alex thought this would be a good idea due to the fact that he runs a successful F1 orientated YouTube channel and already has a field of experience within, passion for and the potential contacts related to the sport that could go a long way as to making our piece as interesting and unique as possible. This is currently our main idea as of now.

Elon Musk presenting the new Tesla model in NYC.
George's idea consisted of looking into electric cards, the technological innovations of Elon Musk's work with Tesla to bring electric cars to the mainstream within the next several years. We found this to be an interesting topic as not only do a lot of people drive, but also given the UK Government's recent announcement regarding the cut off for non-electric car manufacturing from 2020, this could be an interesting and relevant opportunity to not only delve into a relevant topic but also educate an audience regarding something that will soon be implemented nation-wide.

This currently is likely our secondary idea as we believe the story has a lot of potential while also having some links to the motor-sporting industry with new 'formula-e' engines being slowly implemented into F1 racing as a form of engineering innovation.

A Southern Rail train in the London Area.
My idea given my lifestyle, relying on public transport a fair bit, I thought it could be good to potentially cover the issues with transport right now. It's a hot topic with British rail-lines frequently having issues and excessive delays, strikes and whatnot; we could potentially link this to the changes Thatcher implemented to the rail systems, therefore de-nationalising the service and making it privatised once again. Companies are free to exploit there customers as much as they possibly can and continue to push their limits by raising prices annually, despite introducing seemingly no solutions to the existing problems. If we decided to go down this route we could potentially interview someone who works within the rail industry in order to get an inside perspective, while also providing further exposition on the topic.

I like the idea of covering this issue as it is something I have grown to be rather passionate about over the past year, consistently relying on Southern Rail. However I also like the ideas of my fellow group members so am ultimately open to anything at this stage.

The Beatles, circa 1960's
Andrew's idea was based around 'The Beatles', their influence and impact on pop culture during their time, as well as linking forward to the recent 50th Anniversary of them playing locally in West Malling. This is our least thought out idea at this stage however I can see potential in it. To me atleast, I find the music industry to be somewhat under-appreciated and for those reasons I think it would offer a unique perspective for both fellow students and others who may view the piece online, that young people may not get the opportunity to learn about without seeking it out specifically.

There is no doubt that The Beatles had a colossal impact on society during their rise to fame, and even now continue to inspire and tantalize the feelings of people around the entire globe.

In conclusion, I feel that today has been a rather inspiring and productive start to the new unit and I am looking forward to delving into whichever topic we inevitably settle on!
